Spring Bengtzen Scale Up

Shadow Day

See Behind the Scenes of a
Real Estate Machine!

Experience the systems, processes & culture of a team with 80+ agents doing 750+ transactions / year!

At Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate Machine, you will become fully immersed in experiencing how a team of 80+ agents does over 750 transactions per year. We are peeling back the curtain so you can see exactly how one of the nation’s most profitable real estate teams runs their entire organization.


You will walk away knowing exactly how to implement the same systems, strategies, and syntax the Utah Life Real Estate Group uses in order to optimize your own real estate business and create a dynamic culture of accountability and production.

Spring and her leadership team will also share the subtle nuances that make or break the whole process in a detailed and hands-on mastermind and Q&A session. The magic is in the details – which you’ll receive!

Santy Phillips Real Estate Group
“The Santy Phillips Real Estate Group spent the day with ULRG leadership and our minds were blown! Meeting with Spring and her team inspired and expanded our own vision of our real estate business. Pamela and I will forever be grateful.”

Gayle Phillips Santy Phillips, Real Estate Group

Have you ever wished you could peek behind the curtain and see how the best of the best really run their team?

Imagine having the plug-and-play systems that allow you to attract top talent, create a winning culture and run a highly profitable team. Now’s your chance!


At Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate Machine, become part of Spring’s team as you get a behind-the-scenes look at one of the nation’s most profitable real estate teams. Compress decades of experience into one day of learning.

This powerful immersive experience will show you not only how to implement the same systems, strategies, and syntax Spring and her team use to create your own successful real estate business, but also how to massively scale your team regardless of market changes.


Take a deep dive into Spring's organization that has her on pace to do over 700+ transactions this year - while working less than 10 hours per week in her business.


Watch how Spring leverages technology to track the core metrics on her team, and attend breakout sessions with each key leader for individualized Q&A.


Be part of Spring's team for the day. Experience the exact language and systems used to create a culture of accountability and production - and know exactly how to implement it in your business.


Discover the subtle nuances that make or break the whole process - including syntax, systems, and metrics - and how to implement them with your team. The magic is in the details!

9 am – 6 pm

1173 Shepherd Creek Parkway Suite A

Farmington, UT 84025

BOGO $1,997

$997 for each additional ticket
(we recommend bringing your Director Operations & Director of Sales)


January 24 (sold out)
February 5-7 (sold out)
April 22 – 24 (sold out)
May 8 (sold out)
July 22-24 
October TBD


Can I bring a guest?
Your ticket price is for one person, and you are welcome to bring additional guests for $997 each. We recommend bringing your Director of Operations & Director of Sales so they can experience our Team and Leadership meetings.

What hotel do you recommend we stay at?
We recommend staying at Le Meridien in Salt Lake City, UT. You can reserve your room by calling 801-658-4400 or booking online here.

How do I get from the airport to the hotel?
There is a shuttle to and from the airport. 

What’s the dress code?
Business casual. Utah’s weather can be sporadic, so make sure to check the weather and plan accordingly.

What’s the agenda?
Here’s a brief overview of the day:

9am – Team meeting
10am – Content Training
11am – Q&A with Spring
Noon – Break for Lunch
1pm – Breakout sessions
2pm – 4pm – Content Training
5 pm – Wrap up

How many people will be attending?
We limit each event to 20 teams (maximum 60 attendees). We do this so everyone attending receives ample support, all questions get answered, and we are able to serve each attendee at the highest level.

What is the content subject matter?
You’ll get to see behind the curtain of how Spring runs her team doing over 750 transactions per year, her team in action, and multiple breakout sessions with her and her team to answer questions

Are there refunds?
No. However, you can transfer it to a future Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate Machine event.

Will food be provided?
Yes, lunch is provided. 

What should I bring?
Whatever you normally would travel with, dress comfortably for a day in the office, plus bring an open mind and get ready to grow!