There’s power
in proximity.

Who you surround yourself with matters. Level up your proximity and level up your world.

There’s power
in proximity.

Who you surround yourself with matters. Level up your proximity and level up your world.70% of your success is attributed to the people, events, and information that surround you.

“Going from agent to 7-figure CEO is a mapped path. You can get there with the right people, systems, and tech to power it all.”

Spring Bengtzen, Founder & CEO

Meet Spring

Spring Bengtzen is the CEO of one of the largest real estate teams in the country.

When she started her career 20 years ago, that wasn’t her goal. Her focus was on being the best real estate agent in her market. Once she accomplished that, she began mentoring other agents on the skills, systems, and strategies it takes to be successful.

That grew into building a team, and later expanding into the team of 80+ agents in 3 locations she runs today. In addition, she has also expanded into multiple ancillary businesses, including a title company, mortgage company, coaching company, and many others.

Spring lives life at the highest level across the board. Whether it’s continuing to be a top 1% performer herself, leading her team of agents to consistently be on top, or being a present wife, mom, and friend…

She’s proof it’s absolutely possible to have it ALL.

The right people

Surround yourself with success.

We have curated a room with the top real estate team owners and professionals to catalyze your success and ignite your business AND life.

Get the map to success

Take the next Step

The secret to leveling up your business isn’t in implementing the next shiny object. You have to level up your SELF – which means a new way of thinking, doing, being, and receiving. Our Spring B coaching programs are all about teaching you the strategies in business AND in life that will have the greatest impact on your success. We get tactical, and we get out of our regular day-to-day “to-do’s” to dream BIG and live BIG.

With Spring B Coaching You Will

Scale your business


Receive high impact coaching


Join a powerful mastermind


Build powerful partnerships


Experience life changing events


Our community

Together we win

Our members make up a unique community of real estate team owners and professionals across the United States and Canada. Here, we are more than real estate because we focus on leveling up every aspect of our business AND our lives. We believe you should too, and would love to have you join us!

AVG Business Growth



Transformational experiences

upcoming events



She Summit

Salt Lake City | Women’s Real Estate Event

Jan 2025


Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate Machine

Salt Lake City | Real Estate Professionals

Jan-Feb 2025


Inner Circle Mastermind

Salt Lake City | Real Estate Team Owners

March 2025


Real Estate’s Spring Break

Salt Lake City | Real Estate Professionals

Now Selling

She Summit

November 08-10

Salt Lake City | Women’s Real Estate Event

Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate Machine

January 13-15, 2025

Salt Lake City | Real Estate Professionals

Apply to join

We’re experts in
unlocking your potential

Join us and experience transforming results in life and business.

Everything you want in business and life is possible.


Scale Up

This 12 week course is 90% tactical and gives you the complete blueprint for scaling your real estate team. Whether your goal is to increase your agent count (this content is relevant to team owners, it is NOT to grow a downline) or to build a small team of “navy seals” through increasing your per agent production, you will receive the systems and processes you need to build a successful real estate organization. In addition to the 12 week course, you will also participate in live coaching sessions held weekly via Zoom with Spring and her team, allowing you to dive deeper into the content and get all your questions answered in real time.


REvolution Sales Mastery

The determining factor in whether or not your agents will be successful comes down to their skill level and their confidence. The only way to improve their skill level and confidence is through coaching and practice. Justin Nelson has been the Director of Sales for The Utah Life Real Estate Group for the past seven years, and was a High-Performance Sales Coach for one of the top coaching organizations in the world prior to his role at Utah Life. He combines his expertise in high-performance sales with real estate to bring weekly coaching sessions to you as an agent, or to your team of agents.


Inner Circle

Access to our Inner Circle is exclusively limited to the top team owners and top producing agents across the country. The discussions in our coaching and mastermind sessions are specifically geared towards the strategies and systems high performers need to get to the next level, and are too advanced for newer or mid-level agents. If you are a newer team owner, we recommend completing Scale Up first so that you join the group with a solid business foundation and can fully participate and contribute to mastermind discussions.

Expand Your Opportunities

Let’s Partner Together

If there’s one thing that’s accelerated my growth over the past 5 years, it’s been entering into powerful partnerships. Strong partnerships allow you to focus on the parts of your business that you’re strong in, powerful partners can focus on theirs - and you both go even farther together. If you’re wanting to grow and interested in exploring partnering together at ΓEA⅃, PLACE, Utah Life, or another endeavor. I’d love to talk with you and explore what that can look like.